Wednesday, February 23, 2011

FID Lesson 2 - Breads

FID Lesson 2
Breads @ Gluten Ball

Shuffle or Boogie Everyone

Salam And Hello to all our fellow Readers

Our second class is about breads. Our Class was given an assignment or experiment to know what is the best amount of ingredients to make a bread and putting extra additional ingredients in the breadbut in this class, our Group was given an easier task and that task is to make Gluten ball. So our Lecturer, Chef Zaid gave special tasks to each group to make breads while ours the gluten ball. These are the Objectives that our class received from him.


Basic Formula - Gluten Ball

Making The Gluten Ball

Our Group Task

As we said earlier on the introduction, our group we're given task to do gluten ball out of 3 types of flour. The All Purpose Flour, Bread Flour and Cake Flour. Our group also needed to bake it.

Baking Conditions
Our Gluten balls we're baked in a preheated oven about 150C (350F) for about 30-40 minutes. Before we baked them, we separated them so that we won't get mixed up with one another.

The Experiments
Here are some of the pictures during our experiment/class
Group 5 feat Chef Zaid himself. Briefing about our objectives

The Flours . from left to right
All purpose , cake and bread

 Raw all purpose flour gluten
 Raw bread flour
Raw cake flour
to separate the gluten from the flour
we have to wrap the ball of flour into a clean cloth
after that we have to wash the flour 
and at the same time squishing out the flour
separating it from the trapped gluten
inside the cloth of sheet
and these are the result after removing the flour and the gluten
Here are the trapped gluten in each of the flour
Our gluten are now separated and ready to be baked
The Ready baked all purpose flour gluten
The Ready baked bread flour gluten

The Ready baked cake flour gluten

The gluten cut in half
 all purpose flour's inside texture
Bread flour inside texture
 Cake flour inside texture
Finalizing the 3 of the gluten to be analyzed

Click Link Below to See More of Group 5 in Action ! 
(facebook required)

Experiments Result Chart

Click Chart to Enlarge Image

Saturday, February 5, 2011

FID Lesson 1 - Angel Cakes

FID Lesson 1
Angel Cakes

Shuffle or Boogie Everyone

Salam And Hello to all our fellow Readers

For our first class. Our group and Class was given an assignment or experiment to know what is the best method to make an Angel Cake. So our Lecturer, Chef Zaid gave a few task to each group about this experiment and these are the Objectives that our class received from him.


Basic Formula - Angel Cake

Making The Angel Cake
Click The Method Image to Enlarge it

Our Group Task
Every group was given a unique task to perform this experiment and our group was to experiment the angel cake by adding in different amount of Sugar to our angel cakes. We we're told to do 3 different amount of sugar for our experiment starting from Reduced Sugar(80%), Increased Sugar(120%) and Excess Sugar(162%)

Varying The Amount of Sugar

The Experiments
Here are some of the pictures during our experiment/class
 Group 5 on the Go feat. Adam
Mixing the Formula @ Ingredients
From left to right
Reduced , Increased , Excess
These are the result after 30minutes of baking
The Angel Cakes
 (Left is Excess, Middle is Increased, Right is Reduced)
Fellow Classmates Trying out the Angel Cakes
What lies inside our Angel cakes
(picture taken after classmates trying out the cakes)

Click Link Below to See More of Group 5 in Action ! 
(facebook required)

Experiments Result Chart
Click Chart to Enlarge Image