Saturday, February 5, 2011

FID Lesson 1 - Angel Cakes

FID Lesson 1
Angel Cakes

Shuffle or Boogie Everyone

Salam And Hello to all our fellow Readers

For our first class. Our group and Class was given an assignment or experiment to know what is the best method to make an Angel Cake. So our Lecturer, Chef Zaid gave a few task to each group about this experiment and these are the Objectives that our class received from him.


Basic Formula - Angel Cake

Making The Angel Cake
Click The Method Image to Enlarge it

Our Group Task
Every group was given a unique task to perform this experiment and our group was to experiment the angel cake by adding in different amount of Sugar to our angel cakes. We we're told to do 3 different amount of sugar for our experiment starting from Reduced Sugar(80%), Increased Sugar(120%) and Excess Sugar(162%)

Varying The Amount of Sugar

The Experiments
Here are some of the pictures during our experiment/class
 Group 5 on the Go feat. Adam
Mixing the Formula @ Ingredients
From left to right
Reduced , Increased , Excess
These are the result after 30minutes of baking
The Angel Cakes
 (Left is Excess, Middle is Increased, Right is Reduced)
Fellow Classmates Trying out the Angel Cakes
What lies inside our Angel cakes
(picture taken after classmates trying out the cakes)

Click Link Below to See More of Group 5 in Action ! 
(facebook required)

Experiments Result Chart
Click Chart to Enlarge Image