Tuesday, March 15, 2011

FID Lesson 3 - Drying of Foods

FID Lesson3
Drying of Foods

Shuffle or Boogie Everyone

Salam And Hello to all our fellow Readers

Wow third class already? yeah time do fly fast and so does our classes. Our third Class was given an assignment or experiment to study the drying of food from various types of fruits and turn it into fruit leather. So Chef Zaid gave every group a special tasks to dry the fruits and we group task was to dry a couple of apples. These are the Objectives that our class received from him.


Basic Formula - Fruit Leather

Making The Fruit Leather

Our Group Task

As we said earlier on the introduction, our group we're given task to do Apple Leather.

Drying the Apples
First of all, we have to wash the apples and then slice up the apples and then took out the seeds

The Experiments
Here are some of the pictures during our experiment/class
The Main Ingredients, Apples!

The apples needed to be peel off, same goes to it seeds must be removed

Result After Peeling all the apples and their seeds, now its time to blend them

while the apples are being blended, add in some water
and then add in some sugar to sweeten them up

 and then we get some clean parchment paper on a tray
 and then we spread the blended apples into the parchment paper
and spreading it all over the tray
 When ready we head out baking the apple into an oven
and bake it for 2 long hours
This is the result after the long 2 hours waiting for the apples to be dried up
Joe with the finishing product
Adee with the finishing product
Iskandar with the finishing product

Click Link Below to See More of Group 5 in Action ! 
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Experiments Result Chart

Click Chart to Enlarge Image

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